Sunday, May 13, 2012


William Peabody was born in 1764 in North Stonington, New London, Connecticut. He married two Brown sisters. He married first Polly Holmes who died shortly thereafter. His second wife was Rebecca Brown. They had Rebecca, William, Esther, Thomas, and Daniel. After her death he married a sister Asenath Brown. They had twelve children: Polly, Alfred, Anna, Asenath, Amelia, Alvah, Lucinda, Nelson, Selah, Charles, Ralph, and Laura.

There is an ancient tradition that this name was derived from one Boadie, a kinsman of Queen Boadicea, who assisted her in her revolt against the Romans. After the Britons were subdued by the Romans, Queen Boadicea dispatched herself by poison, and Boadie, with a remnant of the Britons, escaped to the mountains of Wales. Boadie, among the Cambri or Britons, signified a man or a great man, and Pea signified a large hill, a mountain, from which Boadie came to be called Peabodie, or the mountain man, which became the name of the tribe.

The American Peabody line goes back to John Alden and Priscilla Mullins. A William Peabody married Elizabeth Alden, John's daughter. Other Peabody marriages are also taking place in the 1600's in the colonies.

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