Monday, October 17, 2011


Roderick the Great, called Rhodri Mawr in Welch, was King of Gwynedd from 844 until his death about 878. He was the first Welsh ruler to be called "Great" and tghe first to rule most of present-day Wales.

He was the son of Merfyn Frych, King of Gwynedd, and Nest Ferch Cadell of the Royal ine of Powys. He was born in 820 and inherited the Kingdom of Gwynedd on his father's death in 844. When his maternal uncle Cyngen ap Cadell, ruler of Powys, died on a pilgrimage to Rome in 855 Rhodri inherited Powys. In 872 Gwgon, ruler of Seisyllwg in southern Wales, was accidentally drowned, and Rhodri added his Kingdom to his domains by virtue of his marriage to Angharad of Seisllwg, Gwgon's sister and heiress. These peaceful inheritances made him the ruler of the larger part of Wales.

Roderick or Rhodri, as he was called in Wales, was killed by the English about 878. His son Gwriad was killed in the same battle. He left three other sons, his heir, Anarads ap Rhodri, Cadell ap Rhodri, and Merfyn ap Rhodri. His son Cadell, our ancestor, conquered Dyfed, which was later joined with Seisiyllwg by Rhodri's grandson Hywel Dda, the good, to become Deheubarth. Like his grandfather, Hywel would come to rule most of Wales.

Cadell died in 909. His child was Hywel ap Cadell, b 887 and died 948. Hiywel married Elen Verch Llywarch. They had Owain ap Hywel, born 913 in Dyneor, Wales, and died 987.

Owain ap Hywel married Angharad Verch Llewelyn.
Einion ap Owain b 933 d 984 in Gwent, England
Cadell ap Einion b 953. He married Elinor Verch Gwerystan
Tewdwr ap Cadell b 977 of Dyneovr, Wales
Rhys ap Tewdwr b 997 in Carmathenshire, Wales d 1093 in Brecon, Wales
Gruffudd ap Rhys b 1081 d. 1136 married Gwenllian Verch Gruffudd
Rhys ap Gruffudd b 1127 in Wales
Rhys ap Rhys b 1167 married Gwerfyl Verch Maelgwn
Madog ap Rhys b 1225 d 1292 married Tanglwyst Verch Gronwy

After this the line goes into the Dee family and then Day.

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